Hello, there! Welcome to my blog!
Hello, readers! This post is a brief introduction to my blog, my work, and what you might expect in these forthcoming posts. Welcome!
Inside a Mind, watercolor illustration, 2023
Welcome to this blog,
My name is Abbigail, and I love illustrating stories, learning new things, and creating vibrant worlds.
This blog space here is going to be dedicated to;
sharing my illustrations and sketchbook,
recording and showing some of my process, world-building, research, and creative thinking
talking about fascinating new things I learn, discover, hear, read, and encounter that relate both to creative inspiration/illustration and just everyday life
You can expect a lot of amazing watercolor and ink illustrations, sketchy lines and bright colors, photographs of nature and places, and mini-storytelling about the things that inspire me, fascinate me, and drive my creativity and illustration work forward.
Here’s a peek at what that looks like!
In this gallery are some of my process shots, nature reference photos, and snapshots from my daily life.
I hope you feel welcome here and excited to join in the creative journey!
I also hope that my posts will offer insight into my illustrative process, research and learning, and who I am and what matters to me as a creative person. And perhaps, they may inspire you creatively too? If you connect with anything I share or write, please feel free to reach out. I would love to connect and hear about your own creative work too or even work on a project!
Lastly, I just wanted to write this here so it gets out of my system. I’ve been a lifelong perfectionist, and at times to a debilitating degree. Though it helped me excel academically, it also left me very burned out and chronically cautious of taking my creative work seriously and sharing it with others. On my freelance journey, I’ve been trying to find different ways of working that are more sustainable. Being a neurodivergent human too, I find that communicating in a clear way that is still authentic to who I am and how I experience the world can be quite the challenge, and I often struggle with telling stories and sharing my work in a way that is satisfactory to me.
However, I am not going to let any of those things keep me from writing these posts, and trying my best to share my creative work and world with others. So, in order to do that, my posts will not be perfect, (not that perfect work is actually real…) but it will come from my heart and my best efforts, and I hope that through familiarity, repetition, and trying new things, I’ll be able to feel more comfortable and ultimately be a better communicator. As Khan Academy told me when I was struggling through high school math and chemistry- You can learn anything. And I hope that applies to communication, storytelling, and sharing work too. I’m going to take that to heart, and be brave and show up here. I hope you can go be brave for whatever you need too, and maybe also learn something new.
Take care,
- Abbigail
Welcome fellow creatives, art enthusiasts, nature lovers, story chasers, and fabulous people!
Feel free to check out my other illustrations using the button below, or read through my other blog posts. Thank you for being here!